Monday, 22 April 2013

Defintiton of love!

Love!! The definition of the word “Love” varies widely among people/relationship. A mother would describe
love for her children in a different way than a wife would do it for her husband. In the similar fashion, a sister would describe her love for her brother differently than a friend for the other friend.

But when we look deeper, all these diverse definitions narrow down to a single statement, which is “True love is unconditional”. The love God has for his/her children, the love Buddha had for humanity, the love Mother Teresa had for mankind and the love Gandhi had for truth….

Literal meaning of “Unconditional “ is “not subject to any condition” but the mankind love for everybody/everything is dependent on several conditions. We might not realize it until the person/thing keeps fulfilling our conditions but the moment they/it starts violating those, our love for them starts turning into anger and exasperation, sometimes it does end up with hatred.

Now, as far as my understanding says, the relationship of “Love” and “Hatred” is similar to the relationship of “Water” and “Fire”. Both can never exist in the same sheath. So, if you have somebody/something, whom/which you loved someday and now don’t, wake up! It wasn’t true love…Your consciousness might fake it as “true love” for you but nothing changes the reality. Your love was only love; it was never “true love”.

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