Tuesday, 25 August 2015

That Little Bird-2!


I had written the above post almost 2 years back and had the time today to go through it once again. This post brought tears to my eyes, my heart filled with sadness after reading it.

So, today I decided to write the 2nd part of the story where The Little Bird is now happy,successful and content with it's life. When I read this post in future, this sure will bring smile on my face and glow in my eyes.

The young Bird has grown stronger and is now aware of living life on it's own terms. It now knows how to leave things behind and move on in life. It now knows how to live in present and has already left the past behind. And, most of all it now knows how to find happiness!! Wonderful, isn't it?
But The young Bird still remembers the words of the Passenger
which were:

Young bird! Don’t be saddened after knowing the truth. We all are destiny’s child and everything happens for a reason. We can’t fight fate but we should never give up either. Don’t let your spirit go down, don’t let yourself get defeated by situations, don’t give up, keep your hope alive, be strong and spread happiness. And, little bird! Let me tell you a well-known secret, time heals all the wounds, it would heal yours too all you have to do is have patience; maybe someday you would see your clan welcoming you with all the warmth and affection. Stay happy and cheerful for you never know what future has in store for you.” 

It still doesn't know what does future have in store for it. But yeah, it sure knows that whatever it is, it definitely will be joyful,bright and as radiant as the Dawn. The Dusk is long gone and is never coming back to haunt the Little Bird :)

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

That Little Bird!

Once upon a time there was a flock of birds migrating from one place to another. Children, adults, old,
families and bachelors, everybody was flying in search of the destination. There was also a newly born baby in the same drove and the entire swarm had decided to stop at a suitable place for a day or two before the baby gains some strength and get accustomed to the flying situation.

Unfortunately the baby fell down from its mother’s lap and was driven away from the flock. A man passing by the same way saw the bird baby lying on the ground coated with blood and decided to return it back to the clan.
The clan refused to accept the baby bird accusing it to be touched by a human being. They blamed the child to be a traitor and declared it to be the defendant of betrayal. “The rare possibility of welcoming the child back into the clan had vanished at the very moment when we had realized that the baby was driven away from the clan and touched by a human being” these were the exact words of the head of the flock to the passenger when the latter was requesting the head to take the child back.

The passenger then decided to take the baby bird into his custody and made sure that it avails the benefit of perfect upbringing. When the bird child became young and came to its senses, it started asking several questions to the passenger related to its origin, family, parents and many more. The passenger didn’t hide anything from it and told the entire truth to the young bird.

The young bird had a tender heart and became very sad after knowing the truth. The passenger then consoled him saying-“Young bird! Don’t be saddened after knowing the truth. We all are destiny’s child and everything happens for a reason. We can’t fight fate but we should never give up either. Don’t let your spirit go down, don’t let yourself get defeated by situations, don’t give up, keep your hope alive, be strong and spread happiness. And, little bird! Let me tell you a well-known secret, time heals all the wounds, it would heal yours too all you have to do is have patience; maybe someday you would see your clan welcoming you with all the warmth and affection. Stay happy and cheerful for you never know what future has in store for you.”

The young bird then seemed satisfied and happy, ready to cover the entire horizon under its wings....

Monday, 16 September 2013

The Spider and The Web-3

Well it’s been quite a long time since I have written something…Actually, these days I am quite happy,

I am not sure how many of you remember him yet...For those of you who doesn’t have any clue what am I blabbering about please go through these links before you proceed further:



Well, I am not sure about your interest in knowing Spidy’s latest condition but I definitely am quite enthusiastic to let you know about it.

Mr. Spidy has finally succeeded in repairing his broken web and it’s back to normal again, as strong as ever...Spidy’s face is now always beaming with joy, happiness, delight and feeling of ecstasy. BTW I met him the other day and high fived...I said-“What’s up dude! You look quite delighted…Looks like, you got your problem solved!”

To which he replied-“ Oh Yes…I was able to rebuild my web and it’s now back to the way it used to be before with every string  of the web strong enough to fight the tough wind and me being able to live life to the fullest while residing into it. I now feel happy, content and satisfied. “  Mr. Spidy continued-“ Well, I must thank you for your support and motivation. You stood with me while I had lost hope in myself. So, thank you again for believing in me. I finally was able to come past of the turmoil and witness life in a way I wanted to.”

I replied- “ I am very happy for you. And remember, don’t thank me for anything. I am always there for you, as your best friend, as your most closed companion, your adviser and may be your everything..You might lose hope in yourself but just remember not to lose hope in me and one day we could conquer everything we wish for…”
content and satisfied with my life (touchwood) and that’s the reason I am unable to find a topic to write upon… Though my mind keeps wandering in search of topics I can put down my feelings upon and finally today it stumbled upon our very own Mr. Spider..

Now, let Mr. Spider live happily ever after. I won't be writing any more articles on him at least in near future.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Don't let me go away again...

Give me the strength to fight and I shall rise…
Show me the path to happiness and I shall follow…
Take me to the light and I shall open my mind…
Guide me to peace and I shall remain calm…

Hold my hand and I shall close my eyes…
Pat my back and I shall make you proud…
Wipe my tears and I shall hug you tight…
Understand my pain and I shall give you the smiles…

Feel my silence and I shall be babbling…
Touch my soul and I shall be elated…
See through my heart and I shall be vitreous...
Look through my desires and I shall be wishful…

I am lonely without you, I am lost without you…
I am meaningless without you, I am nothing without you…
You were all I had once, let me be the one you have now …
You are the one I adored, let me be the one you adore now…

Hold my hand before I take it back…
Wipe my tears before they vanish…
Hug me tight before I break…
Welcome me back before I forget the way…

Don’t let me go away!!!!!

Monday, 27 May 2013

The wounded wings and the vivacious spirit

A few days ago, I saw a bird with wounded wings. It was flying in the 
sky at a lower height and slower speed than its fellow companions. Then I guess, it felt tired and weak and came down to my window for rest.

I asked- Why are you trying to fly with wounded wings? It would take much longer to heal the wound if you continued flying. Why don’t you sit in your nest for few days and give the wound some time to heal?

It said-Well, I can’t put an end over my curiosity to fly. Taking rest even for few days would be similar to giving up hope and living in disgrace and agony.

I then said-Oh! But even flying isn't making you any better! Is it? You get tired very often. You have to try very hard to be in the same pace as your fellow companions, if you don’t then you will be left behind your realm. That doesn't sound very comforting. Does it?

The bird then replied-No, it isn't rather it’s very uncomfortable and demands a lot of struggle. But did you know that I started flying with a motive. I am trying to find something and until my search is complete, I can’t sit with peace. And, I for sure know that the thing I am looking for isn't at earth. So, taking rest for few days in my nest might heal the wound which is on my body but it won’t be able to water the seed of curiosity which has somewhere been sown in my soul. So, I prefer to keep flying.
Earth is a very comforting thought in these adverse conditions of mine but it isn't the problem solver and hence, I have to keep flying in search of that thing.

I said-Okay, I won’t stop you little bird. You are full of enthusiasm and I must not be the culprit who would kill your curiosity. But would you mind letting me know the thing you are looking for?

The bird replied- Oh Yes! I am trying to find out, why did I start flying? When many of the species can only walk on two or four foot why did I have wings to fly?

I said- The little bird! You were given the wings so that you could explore the sky, find out where the horizon is, find out how the rainbow really looks like, find out how does it feel to drink the fresh drop of water fallen onto the hibiscus leaf after a rainfall, find out how exactly does it feel to talk to the flowers and most importantly how does it feel to be the traveler of both the earth and the sky. You are the blessed one little bird! I must be very wrong if I still tried to stop you from flying even if it would be only for few days. Go on! Explore the earth! Explore the sky! If possible, explore the horizon! Color your wings with the real seven colors of rainbow! Feel the flowers and play with the raindrops!   

And the bird flew away happily with a smile on its face promising to come back once it has found out what it was looking for.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Hope and it's existence...

Do you believe in existence of angels? Do you believe in the myth that God sends his messengers for his disciples? If you ask me, then yes, I believe in angels and hence this myth has become a reality for me. Trust in the lore of angels helps me to have faith in God.

Well, I never count myself among the religious types or the ones who visit temples on a daily basis but yup, I certainly am a believer of God. So you can say, I am not an idolater and don’t exactly worship God with flowers and incense sticks but yup, I talk to him at times, ask for his help when ever needed. And, I think, he has always supported me ardently and has sent his angels to help me with my problems.

 These angels, they don’t exactly come with wings nor do they hold the magic wind in their hand. All they do is, support you when entire world is letting you down, watch your back while you are falling in a bottomless pit, have faith in you when everybody else is skeptical about you and see greatness within you  even when you don’t see it yourself. These angels about whom I am talking about could be any one, he or she could be a friend of yours, a family member of yours or a teacher of yours.

In order to seek God’s grace, all you have to do is, put your trust in these angels which gradually will turn you into a better you, a happier you ,an un-complaining you and a believer you.

Having said this, I would also like to add that God only helps those who want to help themselves. So be optimistic, stay happy, have patience and sooner or later the angel will definitely find you and help you solve your worries.

And if you still have trouble finding your angel, then watch the international TV series Supernatural. Despite the fact that Castiel is the one with angelic wings and weapons, Dean is the angel who helps Castiel every time the latter falls apart or need guidance.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Defintiton of love!

Love!! The definition of the word “Love” varies widely among people/relationship. A mother would describe
love for her children in a different way than a wife would do it for her husband. In the similar fashion, a sister would describe her love for her brother differently than a friend for the other friend.

But when we look deeper, all these diverse definitions narrow down to a single statement, which is “True love is unconditional”. The love God has for his/her children, the love Buddha had for humanity, the love Mother Teresa had for mankind and the love Gandhi had for truth….

Literal meaning of “Unconditional “ is “not subject to any condition” but the mankind love for everybody/everything is dependent on several conditions. We might not realize it until the person/thing keeps fulfilling our conditions but the moment they/it starts violating those, our love for them starts turning into anger and exasperation, sometimes it does end up with hatred.

Now, as far as my understanding says, the relationship of “Love” and “Hatred” is similar to the relationship of “Water” and “Fire”. Both can never exist in the same sheath. So, if you have somebody/something, whom/which you loved someday and now don’t, wake up! It wasn’t true love…Your consciousness might fake it as “true love” for you but nothing changes the reality. Your love was only love; it was never “true love”.